OCMC News – St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Perth Amboy, NJ, Celebrates its 100th Anniversary with a Commitment to Missions

As St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Perth Amboy, NJ, celebrated their 100th anniversary, the church proved that their commitment to supporting missions is stronger than ever. They have decided to dedicate the year to prayerfully supporting Albania. Each year, the parish selects a project or ministry to support, and working with their Philoptochos and Sunday School, they have reached out to the Orthodox Church in Albania with friendship and love.

In 2014, St. Demetrios Parish President Ret. Judge Marina Corodemus and Philoptochos President Stella Wacker participated in an Orthodox Clergy Wives and Women’s Retreat in Albania that forever changed their lives and perception of the Orthodox family throughout the world. Ever since that fateful mission trip, the women have prayerfully sought to renew their dedication to missions throughout their parish.

As a result, for St. Demetrios’ 100th anniversary the church dedicated itself to Albania in many wonderful ways: Christmas gifts, shoes, and coats for Albanian children, fundraising $8,000 to assist the Special Needs Residential Center for Children with 40 new wooden beds to complement the new tables they donated for the dining rooms last year.

In the past, St. Demetrios has helped the Albanian American Protagonist School and the Orthodox Children’s Home of Hope at Shen Vlash with musical instruments, along with the Special Needs Residential Center for Children with computer equipment, warm coats, and backpacks, and the Orthodox Children’s Home of Hope with Christmas presents, warm coats, and backpacks, among other things.

St. Demetrios is a wonderful example of what other communities can do to make missions a major and important part of their commitment to sharing the good news with “all nations.” To see how you can get involved to support the work of missionaries in Albania and all over the world, visit https://www.ocmc.org/. The OCMC is also accepting applications for those who have heard the word of Christ and would like to go forth themselves on short-term mission teams in 2018. Visit https://www.ocmc.org/about/open_teams.aspx, e-mail teams@ocmc.org, or call 1-877-463-6784 for more information or to volunteer.


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