Author Archives: stdemetriosadmin

NJ Clergy Laity Conference

We had a pleasant surprise yesterday morning at the Clergy Laity Conference to have Father George as one of the special presenters speaking on “From Paschal to Pentecost with the Gospel of John.” He was commended on an inspiring message by His Eminence Evangelos which made us very proud! Congratulations, Father George!

Article on St. Demetrios in Ethnikos Kyrie

On the left, the community hierarch, Stavros Tsapatsaris, with the members: Lambros Simatos and Stamatis Souravlas. On the right, Mary Simatou, Eleni Souravla, Argyro Achladianaki. Photo: National Herald. Michalis Kakias.

On Friday, March 9th, the third meeting of the Salutations to the Most Holy Theotokos was held at St. Demetrios in Perth Amboy, New Jersey.

Father Petros Souritzidis, who performed the service, due to the absence of Fr. George Parsenios, wished to the Greeks Abroad, through the “National Herald”, a good rest of the Forty, a good and bright Easter, with the Resurrection of the Lord illuminating souls of all.

Judge Marina Corodemus, president of the parish council, pointed out that March has three very important celebrations for all Hellenism. “First,” she said, “we keep the great fast that prepares us spiritually and for Holy Easter. Secondly, we celebrate the Annunciation of the Virgin, the joyous news of Christianity, the imminent birth of Jesus Christ. Thirdly, we honor the Revolution of 1821 and the liberation of Greece from the Turkish yoke.”

The protopsaltes of the church, Stavros Tsapatsaris, wished to the readers and co-workers of the newspaper health, joy and spiritual peace.

Lambros Simatos, a member of the community for 40 years, spoke about the history of the church of St. Dimitriou, who, as he said, has been doing a very important spiritual, social and charitable work for 101 years.

Stamatis Souravlas, a member of the community for many decades, has invited the Hellenes to visit the church to admire the recent exceptional hagiography of the temple.

Finally, Argyro Achladianakis, who serves the church for 45 years in all programs, Greek School, Philoptochos, Choir, Parents’ Association, Youth Departments, expressed her love and gratitude for all that the community has provided. “I grew up here,” she said, “my two boys, Nicholas and Constantine, and I am very happy and proud of the Greek Orthodox values ​​and ideals that have been taught.”

GOYANS & Sights and Sounds

GOYANs at Sights & Sounds

On Saturday, March 3rd, our GOYANs participated in our Metropolis-wide 2018 Sights & Sounds in Westfield, NJ. They performed a group skit, Greek danced, performed individually and submitted amazing pieces of art. On Sunday, March 4th, they not only sponsored a fantastic Spaghetti lunch but displayed to our parish all of their Sights & Sounds and performances. Congratulations to all of our GOYANs and their parents. A special thank you to our wonderful advisors and Sights & Sounds coaches, Nick & Cindy Giannakopoulos, Demetra Wagner, George Kane, Callie Vosinos and our dance coaches George and Despina Markos.

GOYANs performing at St. Demetrios’ Annual GOYA Spaghetti lunch.

GOYANs Chant Compline Service of Lent

St. Demetrios held it’s first Compline Service of Great Lent on Monday, February 19th. Our GOYANs accompanied Fr. George in chanting the beautiful hymns. They practiced and prepared for several weeks prior to the service. The service was followed by a Lenten meal and fellowship. A big thank you to all of our GOYANs for their hard work and commitment and to the many parishioners who attended and contributed to the wonderful meal.

Jackets & Shoes Sent to Albania

Please enjoy these photos of jackets and shoes being distributed to special needs children in Albania. They were donated by our generous parishioners at St. Demetrios Church. Thank you to all of those who opened up their hearts to help these children. God bless you.

Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, “Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink?  When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?”  And the King will answer and say to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”