Parish News

Trip to Agia Skepi Holy Protection Monastery

Join the St. Demetrios Family in a Pilgrimage to

Agia Skepi Holy Protection Monastery

On Saturday November 5, 2016
Bus Departs 11:30am
(light lunch will be provided)
Prepaid tickets are
$20- Adults
$10- Children

$10 will be added to any ticket purchased beyond the deadline of Friday October 28

For additional questions please feel free to call Froso in our church office 732-826-4466

Download Flier

Adopt a Book Bag


Please adopt a back pack for one of our Albanian Orphans and help us make a difference.

Together we can help these children.

Please make a one-time $30 donation in order for us to purchase and send book bags to Albania and prepare these children for the upcoming school year.

You can make a donation and drop it off or mail at the church. Please mark your check Albania bags.

If you should have any questions please feel free to contact Froso in the church office.

Download Flier


Father George Blesses the Opening of the St. Demetrios Meditation Garden

Father George blesses the opening of the St. Demetrios meditation garden, Sunday July 17, 2016. The first wall is up and the second wall of names is being prepared. If you wish to have your name or a family member name commemorated on a brick contact the church office at 732-826-4466.

Father George blesses the opening of the St. Demetrios meditation garden, Sunday July 17, 2016.
Father George blesses the opening of the St. Demetrios meditation garden, Sunday July 17, 2016.

Father George blesses the opening of the St. Demetrios meditation garden, Sunday July 17, 2016.

The first wall is up and the second wall of names is being prepared. If you wish to have your name or a family member name commemorated in on brick contact the church office at (732) 826-4466.

The first wall is up and the second wall of names is being prepared. If you wish to have your name or a family member name commemorated on a brick contact the church office at (732) 826-4466.

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Last month, Fr. George blessed our meditation garden. The first wall is almost complete with names of parishioners and relatives. As 2016 is the 99th year of St. Demetrios’s existence, we honor the past and present and pray for our future.

The names are not in any particular order, nor are they especially grouped by family members, nor living versus dead, nor are they the same size segmented larger versus smaller bricks.

The bricks are integrated together in a mostly random pattern. No one brick is more important than another, because God loves ALL the children of His house, present and past. It is because of the COLLECTIVE efforts of ALL the people on the wall, that this church was founded and built upon for the last 99 years.

The wall is not just for today, nor just to meditate about the past, but to know the history of our church as a blending of everyone’s efforts and to pray for the future of our church for the next 100 years.
So if you have not purchased your brick, a second wall is being prepared now. Please call you order into the church office and be ready for our 100th anniversary celebration in 2017.

Τον περασμένο μήνα, Fr. Γιώργος ευλόγησε διαλογισμό κήπο μας με την πρώτη τοίχο σχεδόν πλήρης, με ονόματα. Καθώς το 2016 είναι το 99ο έτος της ύπαρξής του Αγίου Δημητρίου, τιμούμε το παρελθόν και το παρόν και προσευχόμαστε για το μέλλον μας.
Τα ονόματα δεν είναι σε κάποια συγκεκριμένη σειρά, ούτε είναι ιδιαίτερα ομαδοποιηθεί από μέλη της οικογένειας, ούτε ζουν έναντι νεκροί, ούτε είναι το ίδιο μέγεθος κατά διαστήματα μεγαλύτερα σε σχέση με μικρότερα τούβλα.

Το τούβλο είναι ενσωματωμένα μαζί σε ένα ως επί το πλείστον τυχαίο μοτίβο. Κανείς δεν τούβλο είναι πιο σημαντικό από ό, τι άλλο επειδή ο Θεός αγαπά όλα τα παιδιά του σπιτιού το παρόν και το παρελθόν του. Είναι λόγω των συλλογικών προσπαθειών όλων των ανθρώπων στον τοίχο, ότι αυτή η εκκλησία ιδρύθηκε και χτίστηκε κατά τα τελευταία 99 χρόνια.

Το τείχος δεν είναι μόνο για το σήμερα , ούτε απλά να διαλογίζεται για το παρελθόν, αλλά να θυμόμαστε το παρελθόν, ξέρω την ιστορία της Εκκλησίας μας, ως ανάμειξη των προσπαθειών όλων μας και προσευχόμαστε για το μέλλον της Εκκλησίας μας για τα επόμενα 100 χρόνια.

Έτσι, αν δεν έχετε αγοράσει από τούβλα σας, ένα δεύτερο τείχος ετοιμάζεται τώρα. Παρακαλώ καλέστε παραγγελία σας στο γραφείο εκκλησία και να είναι έτοιμος για την 100η επέτειο μας το 2017.

Father’s Day & Welcome Luncheon for Fr. George.

St. Demetrios gets new priest! Welcome Fr. George and family.

Following the retirement of Father Michaels, St. Demetrios welcomes Father George and his family!

maxresdefault Rev. George Parsenios was ordained a deacon in December, 2015 and a priest in May, 2016. He is an Associate Professor at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he teaches courses in Ancient Greek, New Testament and the interaction of early Christianity with the classical world. He has also taught at St. Vladimir’s Theological Seminary and the Pope Shenoude Coptic Seminary. He studied Classics at the University of Cincinnati (BA) and Duke University (MA) before earning the MDiv degree at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and a PhD from Yale University. He comes to St. Demetrios together with Presvytera Maureen and their three children: Nicholas, Julia and Constantine.

Father George may be reached at 609-462-2949 or at




2016 Greek Festival Raffle Winners

Grand Prize Winner of Trip to Greece: Brian Garcia & Domenique Katsaros

The Grand Prize Winner, Brian Garcia, of Perth Amboy, and his fiancé, Domenique Katsaros, show their joy and excitement as they begin planning their "dream trip" to Greece.

The Grand Prize Winner, Brian Garcia, of Perth Amboy, and his fiancé, Domenique Katsaros, show their joy and excitement as they begin planning their “dream trip” to Greece.

40″ Smart TV: Mr & Mrs. Chris Corodemus

Winners of the 40" Smart TV, Mr & Mrs. Chris Corodemus, can't help but smile gleefully as they receive their special prize.

Winners of the 40″ Smart TV, Mr & Mrs. Chris Corodemus, can’t help but smile gleefully as they receive their special prize.

Samsung Tablet: Alexis Huber

 Alexis Huber of Avenel happily displays her winning raffle prize of a Samsung Tablet.  Her mother is Christine Kalamaras who grew up in our Church.

Alexis Huber of Avenel happily displays her winning raffle prize of a Samsung Tablet. Her mother is Christine Kalamaras who grew up in our Church.


50/50 Raffle: Ralph Anania

The winner of the 50/50 Raffle prize of $250 was Ralph Anania of Montana who was in the area visiting friends and relatives.